So I had an almost moment. I had a moment of commercial-worthy mothering. Me, pouring a cup of hot water (without shaking!) and reaching up to get the honey with a smile on my face. The baby playing on the floor -which I just mopped thank you!- with some fridge toys. I could almost hear the director yelling cut! Perfection!
Then - reality hits. The honey drops on the floor, the lid cracks off and after bouncing a few times, drips into a puddle. Next, the box of tea will not open and the perfect baby will not stop pushing play on the fridge toy that has possibly the most annoying song on earth. Finally, the actress playing me (me) picks baby up and promptly walks right into the puddle of honey that accumulated on the floor.
Four hours later the actress playing an annoyed, tired and irritated mother (me) finally gets back to her cup of now cold water. Just when single parenting feels like it just doesn't get any better and I want to pack it in and walk away, I look up and see my eleven month old steal, then eat, his first french fry.
And it is those moments,so tiny, few and far between that keeps this mom (me) going.

Such a cutie! But all too soon he'll graduate from stealing french fries to sneaking money from your purse or taking the car out for a spin without permission - not so cute. We never did that though.
Enjoy these moments while you can, they pass by so fast.
hey eileen, i am emailing you soon. i've been a little busy this week to write the full saga that is our homeschooling adventure... but i wanted you to know i'm thinking about you tonight and will be tomorrow. hopefully you'll be sharing good news with us all! i'm glad your folks are there.
by the way, do your children know about dipping french fries in chocolate milkshakes? if not, i am deeply concerned and need to get down there very soon. it's the best.
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