Sunday, June 5, 2011


And so it begins. The trials and the mishaps that come with a deployment. Children unable to sleep. Children throwing up in the middle of the night. Children being rushed to the ER. All within six days of Daddy leaving. Of course! 

Private Murphy is always standing guard at deployed spouses' homes. Ready to slither his way in during the most inappropriate time. (For you civilians reading this, Private Murphy is our equivalent to Murphy's Law) He certainly made his way into my house this weekend. 

Sleep? Why would I want to sleep? I've gotten plenty of sleep...if two hours is enough for a not so young woman.  Alone? You mean without children in my bed? Hasn't happened yet. Every night I have to rearrange three little bodies that made their way to my bed even though I placed and tucked them into their own beds some hours before. And it isn't just them. They come with bears, Daddy Dolls, blankets, books...the list goes on.

Imagine if you will, me -- carrying these children, their bears and books, out of my room and into theirs, having to twist them around in my arms so I don't bonk their heads on the door ways or walls. All the while trying not to trip on the multitude of toys and clothes that are strewn on their floors (even though I literally just picked up every one before I put them to bed just hours before-- I am one of those people who believes Toy Story is a true story or at least based on a true story.) Now. Listen. Listen to the sudden THUNK of the head that I managed to bonk or the KRINK of the foot I twisted on the toys on the floor, or even the "shmpfk!" as I cry out from stepping on a Playmobil carcass.  If you listen harder, you can hear Private Murphy giggling quietly. 

Now that the kids are in their own beds, a little worse for wear, and I am in my own bed, nursing my foot, I can finally rest. Until. "Mommy....I don't feel so (bleeeeccccchhh)" All you parents know that dreaded sound. And it sounds even worse in the middle of the night. Again, Private Murphy giggling (though it sounds a little distorted since he's holding his nose at this point). 

And to end the weekend, (I won't go into the many, many, MANY fits and melt-downs that dot the landscape of my days) I am treated to a run to the ER. Why wouldn't a four year old want to dance with his sister? Why wouldn't he trip and fall into the coffee table thereby cutting his eye open? It is, after all, our first weekend into this deployment. A trip to the ER is pretty much expected. 

Oh, and Private Murphy? He was giggling for that one too. Just not a lot...more like gagging. He doesn't like the sight of blood. 

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