Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Skull Crackin' Fun

I should have known it was going to be a day of contrasts. We left the house with big, fluffy snowflakes falling around us and darkness surrounding us. By the time we got to Vanderbilt, the snow was gone, the sun was up. By eight-thirty, the Neurologist was having me walk toe to toe across the floor.

Yes indeed, it is Trigeminal Neuralgia and we can go two ways. We can try meds until I can't it anymore, or we can just skip on ahead to surgery. Surgery of the head. Meaning, they will cut? drill? slice? a hole into my skull and move my brain over to reach the Trigeminal Nerve and place a Teflon disk in between the nerve and the pesky blood vessel that has been the cause of all of my pain. Hmmmmm....meds please.

I mean, when they say "move your brain over" where exactly is it moving to? There doesn't seem to be a heck of a lot of "moving" room in there. I guess they just squish it like a sponge. I just hope they aren't squishing a real important part of my brain. Like the part where I keep my memories. The math part...well they can basically extract that part. I have never been able to get much out of that part of my brain anyway, so squish away doc!

With Hubby deploying to God Knows Where, I don't think I want to have "brain moving" surgery. But if the meds stop working, or worse, never work at all....I will have to sign up for the surgery. I can't live with the pain. But can I put my kids through Mommy in the hospital, Daddy at war?

Oh the timing of it all.

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